With the Summers getting hotter, and the energy crisis prominent all over the world, this month I wanted to share with you a few useful tips on how to save on your energy bills.
Did you know that you can save a few hundred dollars a year by lowering/raising your thermostat just 1 degree?
Also, switching your light bulbs to LED ones can save you roughly $200 a year alone. LED light bulbs are also more durable than standard light bulbs, with an average lifespan of 25 years.
But let's look at energy saving tips room by room:
This is the heart of your home and possibly the most energy consuming space in most cases.
Switch off appliances such as the microwave and dishwasher when not in use. Do this at the plug or main power point, if this is accessible.
When making tea or coffee, try to fill up the kettle just with the water you need.
Invest in a washing up bowl, possibly in an eco-friendly material such as aluminium and this will save both, water and the energy for hot water. Instead of washing and rinsing everything individually, it will allow you to do it all in one single washing-up session.
In the laundry room, often connected to the kitchen, just remember to switch off the washing machine and tumble drier when not in use and try to wash at lower temperatures around 86°F.
At the end of a great movie, switching off the TV with the remote feels so much easier than getting up to turn it off at the wall.
According to a research by Pacific Gas & Electrics, our living rooms are home to a range of so-called “vampire appliances” (TV, smart speakers, video games) that drain power even when on standby and switching these off could save you an average of $300 a year.
Gaming Consoles are particularly heavy energy consumers, as they remain 'idle' when not in use or switched off. In conclusion, it is definitely worth a trip across the room to switch off your TV and game consoles off as soon as you're finished.
With regards to our phone chargers, the expert advice is to unplug them from the wall all together. If you have a home office, do not leave your computer on charge needlessly. Laptops typically use 65% less energy than PCs and tablets use even less so this is something to keep in mind when switching to new home office equipment
Feeling that Summer Heat? Installing some of these, if you don't already have them, or using them more effectively can make a big difference.
The use of a ceiling fan is a cost-effective way to make your space feel up to 10 degrees cooler. It uses only about 10 percent of energy than running a central air conditioning unit.
Insulate! Adding insulation to your home is a great way to reduce the heat that can pass through your walls. It can help keep your space cool during the summer and warm during the winter. Insulating your attic can also help prevent the sun from heating your room into oven-like temperatures.
Shade Your Windows. The direct sunlight can heat your house by entering through your windows. It may increase the temperature in your room by up to 10 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit. It may also cause your AC system to work harder to cool your space. Thus, incorporating window treatments such as shutters, roll-up shades, and curtains can help reduce solar heat gain.
It is no secret that using less water would help you save money, but it is not just the water bill it'll help. Hot water accounts for around 10% of your home energy bills so water saving will also help keep your energy bills down.
Reducing your shower time to 4 minutes can save you on average $150 a year.
If you love candle-lit baths, you don't have to give them up entirely but by replacing only one bath a week with a 4 minute shower can save you $25 a year.
I hope you enjoyed my personal tips for a more sustainable Home.
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